As an after-hours paper maché artist, I get a lot of custom requests. Some of my favorites are the projects I’ve made for Creativebug, including three years of birthday cakes and two filmed classes.
Creative concept, creative production & brief, prop construction, on-set art direction, photography, post-production editing. Campaign used for video, web, social and marketing design.
View more of my paper maché work at katrinadidit.com.

Not only am I active behind the scenes, I’ve also been known to appear on camera from time to time. I taught two online paper maché classes for Creativebug, Make a Paper Maché Dragon Head and Make Paper Maché Animal Masks. I designed the curriculum, developed step by step PDF instuctions, and included my favorite paper maché tips to prepare the audience for their next paper maché project.

View more of my paper maché work at katrinadidit.com where you can find my full portfolio. My work has been featured in both group and solo shows throughout the Bay Area, California and Vancouver, Washington.